Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lykke Li

source: unknown


  1. Haha coincidence, i'm listening to her music atm! she's so gorgeous!

  2. Um, where the fuck is the tattoo? I think your blog is going down every day, first I loved it but now you are posting the same pictures over and over again and then these celebrity pics.. I don't want to spend my whole evening trying to search for the fly-poo -sized tattoos.

  3. <3 for a Lykke Li post.
    However I have to agree with Enye: unfortunately there are few really new pics here

  4. She has a small triangle in her wrist.. Kinda hard to spot with the lightning.

    And sorry, but i've been thinking that for quite a while already. Always those fucking feathers and triangles etc. What's with them anyways?

    And yes, I do know I don't HAVE to follow this blog. Even though I'm not completely happy with what it is now I think it has great potential to be a really interesting one.

  5. She's so stunning! Love her! ♥


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